Check out the academic team getting some early work!!

Look who we caught in the library!!

Blood Drive Today!!!!
8:30 am until 2 pm

Gotta Love Ms. Hurd's daily handshakes!!

Title VI Indian Education
Parent Committee Meeting
WEDNESDAY Aug 30, 2023

New uniforms!!

It's game day!!

Synco is on campus today to present letter jacket information. They will be on campus from 9:30 until 11 if any parents or guardians want to stop by.

Oklahoma mandates 10 safety drills each year. Today Pawhuska High School will be conducting a lock down drill at the beginning of 2nd hour.

Our aviation students are designing experiments based around the physics of flight!!!!




Due to the high heat the Varsity Football Game at Caney Valley this Friday will begin at 8:00PM. Students and families please stay hydrated during this extreme heat.

Please stay updated with our fb posts made here at https://www.facebook.com/osageeducation/ for all of your Osage Nation Education Department’s Events & STEAM Activities!
Open links below for opportunities!!

Today's Fast-Pitch Game at Home vs. Preston is canceled due to heat and will be rescheduled at a later date.

STEAM class is in full swing. The first assignment was to build a tool to retrieve keys which had fallen into hard to reach places. Were making modeling and design fun!!

Indian Camp Elementary Staff
The "Grooviest" Staff!!

Pioneer Woman Classic concession in full swing!!