It will likely be next week before all of those involved in homecoming are on campus for a picture. So, expect an updated announcement with pictures but for now here they are!! #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Seniors please open the link below for the Jostens's order form. Remember they will be on campus Sept. 18th for orders. #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Pawhuska Junior High is pleased to announce our newly elected Student Council members for the '23-'24 school year! President - Will Cass Vice-President - Dylan Reed Secretary - Jenson Snodgrass Treasurer - Kevin Walker 8th grade reps - Brooklyn Miles and Chase Williams 7th grade reps - Emmalyn Turley and Adalyn Turley 6th grade reps - Millie Rumsey and Cortez Long Congratulations students! We look forward to a successful year!
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Junior High
student council 1
student council 2
student council 3
Friday Night Lights!
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Friday Night Lights
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
The JH will hold our student council debate Sept 12th at 10:30 in the fieldhouse. We would like to invite anyone interested in watching. Presidential Candidates: Will Cass Chase Williams Vice President Candidates: Faith Choate Kaiden Williams Brylee Rumsey Jenson Snodgrass Cooper Thomas Adalyn Turley
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Virtual Day Extended Learning The after school care building (PAC) will be open 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. during district virtual days to assist our working families or students who need to complete assignments using the internet. The Pac will be open for drop in internet access for students without internet 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. On virtual days please submit proof of employment at the PAC. Enrollment is going to be limited to 50 students. Lunch and breakfast will be provided, students will be bussed to the cafeteria for meals. The Upper Elementary cafeteria is open on virtual days to any student. Meal times are Breakfast 7:45-8:30 & Lunch 11-12:00. District Virtual Days: Sept. 11 All Sites Oct 2 All Sites Oct 17 HS Only Nov 6 All Sites Dec 4 All Sites Jan 8 All Sites Jan 18-19 HS Only Feb 5 All Sites March 4 All Sites April 2 All Sites April 4 HS Only
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
If you ordered a letter jacket your $100 deposit is due by Tuesday, Sept. 12 and if you ordered a patch, full payment is due by then as well. #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Junior High Project Lead The Way class in action!! #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Great day to be at Pawhuska Jr. High!!! #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Jostens did not put the correct order form in the Senior Graduation Packets they handed out. Ms. Walker is working to provide the correct form. We will have it out to you next week. There is plenty of time to get orders submitted. #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Tuesday, Sept. 12th is picture day!! #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
STEM classes are designing a miniature golf hole. It's all part of modeling and design where critical thinking skills and creativity thrive!! #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
With 17 days of processed data, the High School is showing a 95% attendance rate! Below is a reminder of how you can become exempt from final exams. #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
With safety in mind, we have reached out to local law enforcement and will be announcing some safety measures to be followed at football games. Below are procedures that Hominy has chosen to follow. Ours will likely be similar. We will post ours next week.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School