Some of Elementary's ballerinas
over 1 year ago, Laura Fitzgerald
Some of Elementary's ballerinas
Basketball reserved tickets are in. You can pick them up at the District office or you can pick them up at the game tomorrow night.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Time Correction: Tonight's Junior High Basketball games will begin at 5:00 p.m. in the field house. There will be two games. Come out and support your Junior High Huskies!
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Pre-K Super Sounders Laynie Hughes and Natalie Taylor have not only mastered their letter names.....they have also mastered all letter sounds as well!! No doubt they are on their way to becoming great readers!! You are rock stars!! #literacymatters
over 1 year ago, Blayne Shuping
Letter Sounds
Pawhuska JH student council is hosting an angel tree this holiday season for their service project. This project supports PJH students. Angels are available for adoption through December 8 with unwrapped gifts due December 11. Please see the flier for more detailed information. Pictured below: Student Council members with the Angel Tree and JH students looking to adopt an angel.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Junior High
stuco with angel tree
angel tree
Monday, December 4, 2023 is a Virtual Day for all sites. Virtual Day Extended Learning - The after school care building (PAC) will be open 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. during district virtual days to assist our working families or students who need to complete assignments using the internet. The Pac will be open for drop in internet access for students without internet 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. On virtual days please submit proof of employment at the PAC. Enrollment is going to be limited to 50 students. Lunch and breakfast will be provided, students will be bussed to the cafeteria for meals. The Upper Elementary cafeteria is open on virtual days to any student. Meal times are Breakfast 7:45-8:30 & 11-12:00 Lunch. District Virtual Days: Dec 4 All Sites Jan 8 All Sites Jan 18-19 HS Only Feb 5 All Sites March 4 All Sites April 2 All Sites April 4 HS Only
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Indian Camp's latest group of Lexia Superstars!! Way to level up, Campers!!
over 1 year ago, Blayne Shuping
Indian Camp November Students of the Month - front LtoR: Kyla Tuller, Elijah Goodell, Ashlyn Goodell, Evelyn Shimonek. Back row LtoR: Briar Kirchner, Madden Moore, Jentri Brown, Khloe McDaniel, Clara Floyd. Not pictured: Penn Pester. Congratulations Campers!! We are proud of you!!
over 1 year ago, Blayne Shuping
November SOM
Time Correction: Tonight's Junior High Basketball games will begin at 5:00 p.m. in the field house. There will be four games. Come support your Junior High Huskies!
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Just a reminder!! #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Thank you to Raelee and Olivia for getting the tree up and decorated in the Jr High! We're ready for Huskie Christmas cheer!!! 🌲🖤🧡
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Junior High
Christmas tree
Pawhuska Elementary will be attending The Nutcracker on Friday, December 8th. Please send $1 with your student.
over 1 year ago, Laura Fitzgerald
Pawhuska Elementary will be attending The Nutcracker on Friday December 8. Please send $1 with your student.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Here is an exciting opportunity for students in grades 6-8.
over 1 year ago, Chris Tanner
Here is an exciting opportunity for students in grades 6-8.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Thank you ladies for representing us at the All American Cheer competition!! Congratulations!! #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School