Jr High Dress Up Days for Basketball Homecoming this week. Hope you join in the school spirit! Go Huskies!
about 1 year ago, Pawhuska Junior High
spirit week
Indian Camp Elementary Big Kahuna Fundraiser Limo Ride has been changed to January 22. Permission slips will go home tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Blayne Shuping
School Closing Notification Pawhuska Public Schools wants to remind you about our procedure if school is closed. Information will be posted on the PPS App, PPS Facebook, PPS website, and school communication text.
about 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Elementary Christmas Parties
over 1 year ago, Laura Fitzgerald
Christmas Party
JD was the lucky winner of sonobe ball made by Mrs. Jones
over 1 year ago, Laura Fitzgerald
JD was the lucky winner of this amazing sonobe ball made by Mrs. Jones
Pawhuska Jr High congratulates November Students of the Month: Temperence Greene, Brecklynn Jech, Addyson Davis, Jaiden Reynolds, Will Cass and Faith Hunt (not pictured)
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Junior High
The middle school is out of lockdown. All students and staff are safe.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
At approximately 2:19 p.m. today a report was made regarding a threat to the middle school. Pawhuska Police were immediately notified and the school is on lockdown to ensure the safety of our students and staff. It will remain on lockdown until Pawhuska Police gives official notification to lift the lockdown. As always, student and staff safety is our top priority. Thank you for support in keeping our school safe and secure.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
We just want to let everyone know that the Jr High is on lockdown but everything is okay and everyone is safe.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Junior High
On Friday, we will be serving all beef hot dogs provided by the Osage Nation to high school students as a reward for having a 91.8% attendance rate for the first semester. Students, tomorrow is an actual full school day. Please plan to attend and please come by and get a hot dog. #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Jr. High student council would like to thank the students, staff and Heeko club that made contributions to the angel tree! Pictured below are the 8th grade student council members, wrapping the gifts before we hand them out.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Junior High
angel tree
angel tree
angel tree
angel tree
angel tree
Wrestling reserved tickets are in. You can purchase or pick up paid tickets at the Administration Office.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Thursdays Junior High Basketball games have been rescheduled for January 8, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Pawhuska Indian Camp Students are learning coding/programming to build an animated winter habitat in STEAM class with Project Lead The Way. #PLTW
over 1 year ago, Blayne Shuping
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
November Students of the Month
over 1 year ago, Laura Fitzgerald
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School
Follow the link below if you would like to watch the Alva basketball tournament games. https://sites.google.com/alvaschools.net/3rdannualshootout/home #DawgsEAT
over 1 year ago, Pawhuska High School