Another dissection group!!
Check out Miss Dorsey's class dissecting a sheep's heart!!
Currently Pawhuska High School has an attendance rate of 92.4 percent. Thank you parents and guardians for making attendance a priority.
Click the link for the boys basketball interviews.
Pawhuska High School will be celebrating Red Ribbon week next week.
Our STEM class has chosen to focus on video production as a part of their course. Click the link below to view their first interview series.
Congratulations to the High School academic team for winning both of its rounds today!!
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday High School students who earned a reward lunch based on their MAPP tests will be leaving for lunch 15 minutes early. If you have questions or do not want your student to be released early email
High School Students remember tomorrow is a virtual day so we can take the ACT. If you are taking the ACT, be here and in your assigned room by 8:05 am. The quicker we start, the quicker we can your test completed. Anyone not taking the ACT will have a virtual assignment to complete.
We were well represented at the Indigenous Peoples Day Parade! Our band was 3rd out of 67 entries!! NASA club as well as many of our Osage language students attended as well!!
Check out the pictures below! The Pride of Pawhuska Marching Band and the Pawhuska NASA club attended the Native American Day Parade in Tulsa bringing home 3rd place in the competition!!!!
A fire alarm was briefly set off by mistake at the high school around 3pm today. Nobody pulled any fire alarms, we had a technical glitch with a office phone and the alarm was set off.
Boys Basketball Parent Meeting
Junior High Football Update:
We will only be playing the Junior High game this evening. NO JV.
The Junior High Game will start at 6:30 this evening.
Reading in the park!!
Reading in the park!!
Parade float form update:
We are having trouble making the form public. We will either post a form that works or allow forms to be picked up. We will get another update out later today. Thank you for your patience.
Click the link below to submit a form for the homecoming parade.