Seniors will bring home flyers as well!! #DawgsEAT
over 2 years ago, Pawhuska High School
Several questions have been asked since we have posted about sign ups for the ACT test. Please click the link below to access a document outlining our ACT procedures for Pawhuska High School. #DawgsEAT
over 2 years ago, Pawhuska High School
10th, 11th, and 12th grade students will be taking the ACT on Oct. 18th. There is a sign up sheet in the office, please encourage your student to sign up. We need an accurate count by this Friday. The test is free to the students. #DawgsEAT
over 2 years ago, Pawhuska High School
over 2 years ago, Bron Williams
Tomorrow, 9/20/22 Synco will be on campus at 9 am to discuss letter jacket orders. Students will be able to size and order tomorrow. You must bring a $100 deposit to place an order. If that is not possible tomorrow, you are welcome to get sized and contact Synco at a later date to place the order. #DogsEAT
over 2 years ago, Pawhuska High School
over 2 years ago, Bron Williams
over 2 years ago, Pawhuska High School
over 2 years ago, Bron Williams
Welcome to your new website!
over 2 years ago, Pawhuska Schools