Seniors please see the link blow if you would like to purchase a parking spot from student council. You can purchase your spot on Wednesday, 8-9-23 from 9am until 3pm.

High School students who are concurrently enrolled with NOC, Rick Edgington from NOC will be on in the elementary cafeteria tomorrow, 8-3-23, from 9am until 11:30am.

Attention Parents/Guardians:
Lunch Applications will only need to be filled out for High School students. It is not necessary for students in PK through 8th grade.

We will have our Student Council Election Speeches on 8-22-23 at 12:45. Students will vote immediately after the speeches.
We need to elect the following offices: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
email bronwilliams@pawhuskadistrict.org if you are interested in running

Here is a sneak peek at concurrent lounge. The vision is to provide a more adult/professional setting for our concurrent students. This is a work in progress. Please open the link below if you have a concurrent student.

Please open the link below for information regarding in-person learning.

Returning students ONLY!
Enrollment is now open! Use your Teacherease Parent Portal to access the enrollment forms for your students. This is ONLY for returning students.
New Students:
A link will be provided at a later date for your enrollment.

Please follow the link below for information regarding reserved seating for 2023 football season.

JOM Back to school night.
August 9, 2023 from 6-8 p.m.
In the field by the Osage Nation Museum

What a great day for these kids!! Thank you Rylie Boone and the Osage Nation for the opportunity!

Here's the registration form in advance. It will be available on site as well.

Thank you to the Osage Nation for being such a great partner! Open the link below for information regarding a softball camp featuring NATIONAL CHAMPION RYLIE BOONE!!
The cost will be $20. Registration will be onsite from 7:45 am until 8:25 am.

Enrollment Dates for 2023 - 2024 School Year
August 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Elementary Cafeteria
Note: This is for in person enrollment. Online registration dates will be posted soon.

If you are a Native American student interested in a career in education, please email Mr. Williams at bronwilliams@pawhuskadistrict.org. We have an opportunity to work with a a small number of high school students.

No Junior High or High School summer school tomorrow. Classes will be Tuesday through Friday this week.

Elementary Summer Camp - Grades P3 - 5.
There will be NO Summer Camp tomorrow
June 19th in observance of Juneteenth.
Summer Camp will be held Tuesday - Friday this week

Summer School Update: Junior High and High School summer school will be Tuesday through Friday next week.

Great Job Lady Huskies at summer pride!!

Oklahomas Promise Linkhttps://secure.okcollegestart.org/applications/Oklahoma_Promise/apply.html

Last year's Juniors, 2023/24 Seniors, please follow the link below to apply for Oklahoma's Promise Scholarship. You have until June 28th 2023 to apply. If you have questions contact Michelle Miller at michellemiller@pawhuskadistrict.org or 918-287-1265 ext 5117
This must be done before June 28th 2023