Congratulations Riley Neel! 4th place in the 100 meter hurdles. Pictures will be posted soon. #DawgsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
400 meter relay State Champions! Congratulations ladies!!! #DawgsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
Girls are 400 meter relay state champions!!!We'll get pictures up soon! #DawgsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
Congratulations Madison! 4th place in the shot put at the state track meet!! #DawgsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
Congratulations to our academic team for competing at the OAAC High School Tournament of Champions!! #DawgsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
Congratulations Laurel & Mason!! They are serving as Mayor and Vice Mayor today! #DawgsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
Jr High 8th grade class will be selling a slice of pizza and a pop after school tomorrow for $5! 🍕Proceeds go towards JH graduation and Awards assembly.
11 months ago, Pawhuska Junior High
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
The Elementary School Food Drive begins tomorrow, May 1st! Please send your non-perishable food items to the school by May 9th. All donations support our local food pantry: Christ's Cupboard. THANK YOU!
11 months ago, Laura Fitzgerald
Food Drive
We had a great time with our Cereal drive for Christ’s Cupboard and Domino Fall today!! We collected a total of 194 boxes with Mrs Robertson 2nd grade class with the most donations at 37!! Thank you all for your generousity and a huge shout out to our High School helpers: Jacob Sweeden, Jaycee Bohard, Addyson Garrett, Antwine Hamilton, Jordan Hodge, Gloria Baker, and Laurel Moody.
11 months ago, Blayne Shuping
Big Congratulations to our April Students of the Month. Front row LtR: Blakelynn Scott, Maci Myers, Chase Strosahl, and Kyle Lytle. Back row LtR: Maci Pryor, Delaney Strandgard, Jase Thomas, Cain Hillsberg, and Nahmee Wildcat. Way to go, Campers!! 🧡🎉🐾
11 months ago, Blayne Shuping
April SOM
End of After-School Program - May 2, 2024
11 months ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Afterschool Program Ending
Just a little snippet of what Miss Arnold's JH "Project Lead The Way" class has been up to! Inquiry based activity to get students to understand that different types of solid and liquid fuels affect the height of an object during liftoff. Students are developing a propellant for launching rockets. They tested different combinations of chemicals to determine the best for their rocket fuel. They made their rockets out of film canisters to test the different combinations of chemicals for the fuel.
11 months ago, Pawhuska Junior High
Congratulations to our PHS students accepted to Tri County Tech for next year! Jack Duty, Cheyenne Kirchner, Briana Hogue, Cadence DeWitt, and Landon Hodgson. #DawgsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
Congratulations to our Assistant Superintendent Beverly Moore for being selected as the Assistant Superintendent/Central Office Administrator of the Year for District 4 of the Oklahoma Association of School Administrators.
11 months ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Payments for the cafeteria will need to be check or cash for the remainder of the school year.
11 months ago, Pawhuska Public Schools
Concert Announcement: Our Middle and High School Bands will be performing May 2nd @ 7pm at the Constantine Theater!! #DogsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
Thursday Upper Elementary celebrated with the Big Kahuna Party Bus for our top sellers! Thank you to everyone that supported this fundraiser.
11 months ago, Laura Fitzgerald
Party bus
Monday, April 22nd, the hdlife foundation will be on campus to speak to our High School students about fentanyl. The Osage Nation has partnered with us for the event, and will talk about life saving strategies such as Narcan if faced with a life saving situation. You can visit the hdlife foundation website by following the link below. If you do not want you High School student to participate, email bronwilliams@pawhuskadistric.ort. #DawgsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School
If your student needs High School Summer credit recovery, please open the link below to find the form. Forms will be available for students to pick up in the office as well. #DawgsEAT
11 months ago, Pawhuska High School